All Parents Welcome Here
Have you ever searched the internet for the Parent-Student-Teacher Triangle? This equilateral triangle emphasizes what we all know. The interconnected roles of parent, student, and teacher are vital in education. The events of the last few years spotlighted this connection. We are all responsible for the student outcomes: success in school, preparation for life, and ultimately, reaching their full potential.

Woven in the policies of our school division is the recognition of this relationship in maximizing the potential of every child.
The Goochland County School Board recognizes that the education of each student is a responsibility shared by the school and the student’s family. The Goochland County School Board endorses the parent and family engagement goals of Title I (20 U.S.C. § 6318) and encourages the regular participation by parents and family members of all children including those eligible for Title I and English Learner programs in all aspects of those programs. School Board Policy IGBC
Each parent of a student enrolled in Goochland County Public Schools has a duty to assist in enforcing this policy, the Standards of Student Conduct and compulsory school attendance in order that education may be conducted in an atmosphere free of disruption and threat to persons or property, and supportive of individual rights. School Board Policy JFC
All such instruction shall be designed to promote parental involvement, foster positive self-concepts, and provide mechanisms for coping with peer pressure and the stresses of modern living according to the students’ developmental stages and abilities. School Board Policy IGAH
Parent-school communication, collaboration, and mutual encouragement are critical and impact learning. Together we provide our children with love and the daily support of their health, wellness, and safety.
I will always celebrate the rights and responsibilities of a parent.
As the National PTA states, we are Nurturing the inherent potential of every child by uniting families, schools, and communities. The history of the PTA begins in 1897. Thank you, parents, for this longstanding collaboration.