What’s Next
GCPS employs dedicated people in every role. Goochland County is home to many caring people. Together we have come through many challenges in 2018 – 2023. This work is never done.
Teaching and learning cannot occur without prioritizing the safety and security of our children. This encompasses the entire GCPS community: personnel, crisis management, threat assessments, mental health, school climate, digital safety, awareness, responsible reporting, and physical measures that constitute a school’s ability to mitigate, prepare for, and respond to a crisis. Our local partnerships include the Goochland Sheriff’s Office, Fire Rescue and Emergency Services, Emergency Management, and Health and Human Services. Our state level partners include the Department of Criminal Justice Services-Virginia Center for School and Campus Safety. Our budget line items for safety and security will need to increase.
Additionally, during this next 4 years we will be:
- Raising up a yearly average membership of 2600 students to maximize their potential,
- Building a new elementary school,
- Updating the secondary complex,
- Planning for additional elementary school replacements,
- Developing a new strategic plan to replace Engage 20/26,
- Revising policies to align with legislation passed at state and federal levels,
- Revising policies to align with the Board of Education and Virginia Department of Education guidance,
- Hiring and retaining the critical talent needed to consistently meet Virginia’s Standards of Quality, accreditation requirements, and our expected high level of student growth, achievement, health, wellness, and safety,
- Adopting and revising budgets that align with the needs of our learning community and the funding principles of Goochland County, and
- Advocating for public education.
We do not know what will happen in the next hour, day, year. What we can control is who will be engaged in finding solutions. Karen Horn has a passion for public education, desire to serve, character, experience, and willingness to commit to the mission, vision, and goals of the Goochland County Public Schools.
Karen R. Horn
Working For Excellence Through Experience